Thursday, August 11, 2011

Kitchen sink view

Yes, this is it!  Not much to look at - my neighbour's wall.  But that's part of the price I pay for having a house that's 6 km from where I work in downtown Toronto.

If I lean left and look right, I can see their deck and say hi when Ray is bbq'ing.

Just to have a bit of nature, I have a beefsteak begonia and an interesting rock.  In this shot you can see my glass tile backsplash, my splurge when I did the kitchen.


  1. Here in Finland, sinks traditionally are not placed in front of windows. In some new/old houses they are. Instead, the kitchen table is often beside a window.
    Do you have your blinds down all the time? I bet the cats would like to look outside!

  2. I linked this on the Views from the Kitchen Sink, thank you for participating!

  3. Our sink faces a wall but there is a small window in our galley kitchen that looks out onto our small balcony. That's the price we pay fo rliving in London!
