Sunday, November 28, 2010

memory lane

Eversley Public School

This photo from the Country Day School website shows the original one room school I attended and the new two room building that was added when I was in grade six.  I can't find a date for the school, but there is mention of Henry Frost, 1816-51, the originator of music education in Ontario schools, who taught in the Eversley school in 1850 and 1851. 

The church from my previous post is just across the road off the bottom right hand corner of the photo.

On the old school you can see the two doors in the photo - girls used one, boys the other.  Inside was a hall for coats, past this was the classroom.  There were more tall windows on the other side of the building; the side that shows is the north side.  You want to minimize the windows there - in winter the winds blow straight across the fields!


  1. So your school grounds were like in the middle of an open field? The north wind, oh I do know how cold it can get, inside too.

  2. I remember the boys and girls had their own entrances at my school also...we even had our own all girls and all boys playing areas!

    The tall windows must have been standard architectural practice regardless of must have been very chilly.
